
High-Impact Grant Proposal

Juvenile Defender Resource Project: Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention, $399,000

Young people caught in the juvenile justice system face an uphill battle, and in many rural or remote regions, including tribal lands, defense attorneys and public defenders struggle to stay abreast of best practices in juvenile defense. For this project, we were hired by a nonprofit agency to design (and write the inaugural proposal for) a statewide capacity-building initiative. To fulfill this purpose, the Juvenile Defender Resource Project implements Regional Learning Communities, develops specialized training materials, and hosts web-based learning and technical assistance resources.

  • CoCo LEAD Plus: An Innovative Point-of-Arrest Diversion Program - A public/private multi-partner initiative led by County Health Services, a city police department, and County Probation, CoCo LEAD Plus is an innovative point-of-arrest diversion program intended to break the cycle of criminalization and repeated incarceration for people with mental illness or substance use disorder in Antioch, CA. CHECK IT OUT