Multi-Partner Project Design
Stand Together Contra Costa
Office of the Public Defender with community-based implementation partners
Amounts and Funding Sources
$1.5 million Contra Costa County General Funds; $1.0 million in private foundation grants
A public/private multi-partner initiative managed by the Public Defender’s Office in partnership with nonprofit organizations, Stand Together CoCo advances due process for people impacted by anti-immigrant policies and practices, providing community-based, no-cost rapid response support, legal defense services and clinics, and immigrant rights education and training. Working on a timeline of just months, we were hired to turn an urgent question – What can we do to protect our immigrant neighbors? – into a robust, bold, efficient, and fully-funded reality. In that time, we designed the solution, developed the successful public/private funding proposal, shepherded pre-launch planning, and provided technical assistance in the months of early implementation.